Friday, March 16, 2012

Photo Challenge - 15/16 Car/Sunglesses.

Yesterday was Car and today is Sunglasses. Well let me tell you, tricky! I have been so busy that I haven’t had time to think about the photo challenge – but then I realized that in fact I did take a photo of a car yesterday, to report it’s terrible parking to the business it belonged to….AND I found one of my favorite photos taken with my sister in law and we are both sporting sunglasses – on top of our heads but it still counts. Phew!

In two hours we’re heading off to stay at my cousin Jonathan’s grandparents cabin outside of Pemberton with our entire lifegroup. I’m super stoked. It’s going to be awesome. But we will be out of cell/internet range so alas you shall have to bear with me and get Saturdays photo challenge (Green) on Sunday, as well as Sundays…shock!
Anyways I’m off for an adventure – I shall return on Sunday. What up!
Also, here are my outfits from yesterday and today. I have been having fun getting dressed!

Ummm...except I can't. Blogger/Picasa won't let me. They say my photo limit is do I delete old photos? Geez

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