Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Last week ReCap

Last weekend was a wonderful wonderful weekend. It was also insanity.

I had planned to do my weekly task and I realized pretty quickly that that was just not going to happen. I have happily bumped all of my jobs up two weeks. This next weekend will be a write off as well. More on that later.

Friday evening my friend Kathleen came over. We ate dinner together and then made cards (first wedding invites for her and then fun scrapbooking cards) until 12. We listened to music and talked. I cried. We laughed. God moved in our hearts. It was LOVELY.

Thankfully, before Kathleen came over I had a few hours to get work done. Our dear friends, the Siewerts, were moving Saturday and as I am a pretty lame mover I wanted to find something to do that could love them. I always find it stressful that after people move you, you have to order pizza to feed them. I am generally strapped for cash when I move (cause moving gets expensive) and that’s an added expense that stresses me. I thought I could provide the food for this move. I also know that asking people to help you move is stressful, so I volunteered to be the “asker” for them, and get an idea of how many people could come volunteer (plus that way I’d know how much food to make!). I spent Friday afterwork prepping food. I made Egg Salad and Chicken Salad for Sandwiches. I thawed Turkey for sandwiches. I cut veggies for a veggie tray. I cut sausage, cheese and pickles for a meat tray. I set up both trays completey so that the next day I could grab them and go. I made all the insides for sandwiches, so that Saturday I just had to add them to the thawed bread (so they wouldn’t go soggy overnight). I felt so organized.

Saturday I woke up at 7:30 so that I could make sure to put all the food together and have it organized, and most importantly feed my husband since he is generally KEY in moving people, so he needs to be well fed. We got to the move at 9 and helped until 1. At one point there was a downpour, all of the adults either disappeared inside the truck to load or inside the house to pack. All the kids and Paul stayed outside, formed a line and continued to load the truck. They were SOAKING by the end. I had to go home and get a change of clothes for Paul. My big kid, haha. It was fun to be with our friends, even if we were just working hard and moving.

We got home and I had a luxurious nap, as I was exhausted from the late night, early morning and big move. After the nap Jenna came over for dinner, I made Chicken Toquitoes which are quickly becoming one of our favorite meals. Even Connor approved! Jenna and I just got to hang out, while Paul paced outside in the alley practicing his sermon for the next day. Jenna went to bed early (as she had to be up at 4:50am for the half Marathon she was running) and I stayed up relaxing, and watching TV while reading.
Sunday I woke up (after Jenna had left) and heard Austin crying in the next room. I ran to grab him (Paul did not hear him at all, haha) and he joined us in bed so I could at least doze a bit. He is such a sweet baby. Connor was asleep in our room on the floor and when he woke up at 7 and realized Austin was in bed with aunt and uncle, he so badly wanted to join! So I hauled him up as well and got to cuddle with both my nephews. It was such a fun way to wake up. Then it was time to feed the boys and get us all out the door to meet up with my parents and cheer Jenna on. We made it downtown in the sun, and enjoyed a while at the beach. Connor got to throw rocks in the water, so he was one happy camper.

When we got home, I again had a nap. I am so not used to waking up before 7 on my weekend as well as my week days! Then we headed to church where Paul preached a kick butt message. I was so proud of him. He delivered the truth that God had put on his heart and wasn’t afraid to go for it. He is a talented speaker, but more than that he is willing to be courageous and share truth. Love him.

After church we had a going away party for the Siewerts as a church. I made cold pasta salad (so tasty) and got to hang out in the sun with friends. I had such a relaxing evening. After that we went over to the Siewerts to have one last hang out as couples. We loved our time doing pre marital with them, and haven’t had the chance to hang out since Doug has been working out of town. We stayed up until 12, but it was totally worth it.

Monday I worked and afterwards I cleaned our whole house. The weekend was so busy our house was in a state of complete chaos. I didn’t even know where to begin. But I know my husband has been working really hard at work and school. I know he poured so much in to his sermon. And I know how hard he works to love me and others. I wanted to love him by having him come home to tidiness. It only took me an hour. To be fair, I only stacked the dishes for him to wash, but it made the kitchen so much easier to be in. I put the piles of laundry that needed folding to the side, tidely. But other than that I cleaned and organized. I made beds and wiped surfaces. Our house shone! And I still had time for a beer and to make dinner before Paul came home. After dinner we both went out to have a final date with the siewerts. I had coffee and a great chat with Kari and Paul went to listen to a speaker with Doug. The silver lining to them leaving is seeing them so much before they go!

Last night (Tuesday) I rushed home after work to go to a Sunday School Teachers Appreciation dinner from 5:30 to 7:30. Then we had lifegroup from 7:30 to 9:30. And then we swung by the Penners to see them briefly (since the Siewerts were there and Kaela had dyer her hair and I really wanted to see it) and ended up staying until 11. Finally crawled in to bed by 11:30 and am vowing to go to bed early all week.

I have discovered that I get August off paid. Also, I believe, I am not allowed to take a second job during that time, since I need to be available to the people paying me (though the odds of them needing me are fairly non existent). This means I am forced to have a break! I am so excited cause I am so tired. This also means I get to go with our church campus group to Harvest Institute in August for a week. I had to work last year so I didn’t get to go, and I assumed the same would happen this year. So woo! So excited.

I did hear from that job that I was waiting for and they offered me the position, but they wanted me to start in August and ethically I just can’t. So I’m waiting to hear back if they would agree to keep using a temp (which they are currently doing) until the end of August and let me start in September. If that worked, I would be ecstatic to not have to keep job hunting!!!!

Last night at Life group, we had an amazing time. It was family. It was real. I am so encouraged by where God has me and the amazing people he has surrounded me with. We shared our hearts. We prayed. We talked about the things God had for us. I was (and still am) so excited to move where God would call me.

Anyways, it’s almost lunch and I’m super hungry. I ran out of time to make lunch so I’ll be having a Chicken Dynamite Roll and California Roll at SushiGo and I’m super excited.

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