Monday, January 2, 2012

Holiday 2011/2012

Christmas Fondue on the 27th at our place was a success! As was shopping with my sister. Though of course, the shopping at metrotown was freaking exhausting...but we got my Aunt's gift (for less money than expected, and more stuff than we'd hoped for!), and I got two scarfs and a pair of shoes (all mine for $32!). Austie was with us - keeping us much entertained with his cuteness.

The fondue was great...a bit busy and oil and cheese, random electric chords strung every which way and kids, a baby and a toddler...yikes. Everyone remained fine, we all had food and cheesy cheesy fondue and opened gifts...great TNA jacket from my aunt...and the fun of watching Austin and Connor opening the gifts Paul and I got them.

Mmmm Fondue

Austie moved
Austin managed to open his gifts by himself
The 28th involved insuring our car (on the 24th we realized, horrified, that our car hadn't been insured since November 22nd...meaning we had to leave it uninsured until insurance opened on the 28th. ugh), meeting my sister at the mall to watch the boys run in circles in the play place and then headed home to have coffee with my Auntie Lesley who was here from out of town. We had a great conversation, and a lovely catch up. After that I whipped up some leftovers for Paul and I, then we lounged all evening and it was perfect.

The 29th was busy but great. My aunt had let it slip the day before that she would love some of my Almond Roca that I'd made the year before for Christmas, and some Tuna Casserole to take home (she doesn't cook), so I got up by 9am to whip both up. At noon my cousin Jessica came over (she's 12) to help me bake Reindeer Cupcakes and Reece's Stuffed Chocolate Chip cookies. We had a blast and we cooked everything in the 2 and a half hours we had. After that my parents, aunt and Grandpa came over. My grandpa is not necessarily a nice or easy man to be around, and it was the first time he was in my house. Everything went smoothly though, I got to feed them as well as they showed up hungry and my grandpa behaved himself, which was actually a first. Afterwards we all headed to my Auntie Debbie's house for a big Mitchell family dinner...complete with more desserts and a Ham that I had cooked up for the party.

Here are the desserts I made.

Making Almond Roca

Reindeer Cupcakes

Reece's Stuffed Pieces

The 30th involved hours of ikea (went for a scrub brush and left $280 with no scrub brush) and grocery shopping, dinner with Karen and a hang out with the Siewerts (a family who we love but live in Calgary - they did our premarital counseling...we love them, as a couple and whole family). We started hanging out with them at 8pm and didn't leave until almost 1:30am. It was so good to catch up!

The 31st involved a lovely sleep in with my husband and then party prep for our new years party...I totally forgot to take any photos of our guests or the food but I did take pictures of a few of the decorations.
It was a perfect New Years. 3 couples came over for appies and games, and at 10:30 another set arrived with extended family...we played a large group game and enjoyed counting down to midnight. Perfect. Everyone stayed and helped up clean up all the dishes, so the house was in order by the time we went to bed at 2am. Pictures to come tomorrow when my macbook finally syncs with my iPhone.

Today was a lovely New Years Day - slept in with Paul, breakfast with Paul, Arrested Development with Paul and then coffee with a friend, Kaela Siewert (the older daughter of our loved visiting family), which was absolutely lovely. Then it was off to church, home for a seafood pasta with Karen and Paul, off for coffee and chats with our friends the Swayne's and lastly to my cousin's house for a new game with friends (Power Grid). Now we are home with Sangria and computers in hand.

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