Friday, March 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 2)

--- 1 ---
Last night I rode my bike home in the sun. I can not describe to you how wonderful it feels to commute in the sun with no rain, rather than in the dark in the pouring rain. It goes from being a forced chore to being an adventure. I am so thankful we're coming out of winter.
--- 2 ---
Speaking of things that are wonderful, my mother in law and her husband are here. Last night I arrived home to the sights, sounds and smells of Nancy cooking in my kitchen, with Katie and Joel, Paul and Cris all milling about and man was it ever nice! Nancy made her homemade stacked Enchiladas, which were lovely. For the first time I tried the higher spice version and actually handled it well! I wouldn't say I like things with spice better but it definitely didn't hurt and it did have some more flavor than the no spice version.
--- 3 ---
I like my job and it isn't stressful, that being said I am still so glad it's the weekend. Yay for sunny days, sleeping in and time spent with people I love. Also yay for not getting up at 6am....I am seriously so stoked for that. And with weekend comes church and hang outs. All good good things. I can barely express how happy I am with our life. Our home, our friends...the food, the fun...the conversation...our church, our job, Paul's schooling...the truth and power of God in our lives. Life is good. We are blessed.
--- 4 ---
We are back to the drawing board, somewhat. Of our four bedrooms for rent, two of them will be vacant in the next weeks. The upstairs room will be vacant from April 1st to May 1st and the downstairs room is vacant as of Sunday and we don't have a plan for who will live there, we just know it needs to be a girl. We have a guy moving in to the upstairs room in May and so the top half of our house will be very male-centric! Duncan, the new guy and Paul! Therefore since Rachel is downstairs we want to even out the numbers with a girl down there.

All this to say, we have a room for rent! We are looking to rent out the furnished basement room - cozy, not dark -as of anytime past this weekend. It will be $650 room and board and must be for a female - as we already have another girl in the room next to it. This price is inclusive of everything - laundry, meals, cable, internet, etc. 

--- 5 ---
There was a lunch at work today - usually all the sandwiches aren't finished so I get to have one at the end. Usually though all the tasty ones are swooped up first and all that remains are like Salami or Ham. Sometimes a roast beef and if I'm very lucky Salmon or Chicken there was a batch of roasted chicken sandwiches on the tray and I was praying one would remain. And it did! Mmm.
--- 6 ---
Tonight Katie and Joel are cooking for us at home, which will be nice. I'm looking forward to it. They're making a parisian meal. 
Then tomorrow night I'm making a meal I can't wait to make!
Broccoli Fritters
Zucchini Boats
Garlic and Sesame Green Beans
Pommes Anna
Yoshida Baked Salmon
It's all food that presents fancy, tastes awesome and is either a new recipe to try (Fritters and Pommes Anna) or an easy recipe. I have been wanting to try this meal plan out for some time now. 
--- 7 ---
I have to say this is awesome. Disclaimer, this is not the clean edit of the song.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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