Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Menu Plan Monday, July 20th

Menu Plan Monday with Laura at Org Junkie

Upcoming week: 

Monday: Crockpot Spinach Pesto Lasagne
Monday I was out with a girlfriend over dinner time so I left this in the crockpot for the house, and while I fed Avelynn before leaving I had butter chicken served over roasted zucchini & peppers instead of rice. I spent the evening overlooking water with my friend Arlene and it was lovely. 

TuesdayWontons (on sale at Costco), Yellow Curry Chicken (marinated with TJ's Yellow Curry) served over carrots, green beans and potatoes. 
Tuesday night Paul is out and I'm home with Avelynn in the evening, but we're all home for dinner. Paul was home sick and I ended up cancelling my plans after being up through the night with Avelynn so it was easy to pull dinner together.  

Wednesday: Freezer Soup (sent by Nancy) with Beer Bread
Wednesday night I am out with some women for dinner and conversation, so I'll be defrosting some wonderful chicken soup and popping some beer bread in the oven for the house. 

Thursday: Deer Roast (with Horseradish Gravy) with potatoes & veggies

Thursday night we are going on an adventure to Lynn Valley Canyon with our student Santiago and will be having this dinner before hand. I've made the deer roast (from Paul's hunting trip in the fall) before, but this time I am going to follow this beef roast recipe and see how it tastes!

Friday: Grilled Chicken (thighs and legs) with corn on the cob & greek salad

Friday is an at home night since Paul probably has plans. I think we'll end up going for a walk, me and Avelynn. Either way we'll all eat dinner together as a house before hand. 

Saturday: Ribs, Potatoes & Veggies
Saturday we have an event in the evening but I can put ribs in the slow cooker and that is Paul's favorite so he'll be happy and nice and easy for summer. We'll have an around the house day so having an easy meal will be helpful. We'll work on house stuff, especially clearing out the laundry room. Then that night we go watch our friend Sam play. Love it! (Though we must confirm that baby can come to the venue!)

Sunday: Leftovers

Sunday we have a picnic to attend for our homestay student, Santi,'s class. It's at Jericho beach. Rather than bring the grill for sausages I think I will do all cold foods....greek salad, veg & dip, meat & cheese tray. Nice and easy. 

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