Saturday, December 31, 2016

The second Baby Morgan has arrived!

Here we are again - announcing another new baby. Bailey Lee Anne is here! She's sweet and cute and basically everything a baby should be. Avie arrived on the 17th of the month, and Bailey arrived on the 18th - the symmetry makes me happy. Plus her initials spell BLAM which is just fun.

She beat her big sister - labour was only 2 days start to finish, rather than 4 and the pushing time was also cut in half - woot. She arrived early Sunday morning, December 18th, at 6:30am. Paul got to deliver her, as he did with Avie, and that always adds to a very special moment.

She is named Bailey, because we like it. It seems to mean an outer or inner wall in a castle or court. Very deep meaning, this one. Her first middle name is Lee - for my Grandma Lee (short for Lena), my sister (Jenna Lee) and my Aunt (Sandra Lee). Turns out Lee also has a very spiritual meaning; it means "the sheltered side; the side away from the wind; shelter from wind or weather." Her second middle name is Anne (for my Aunt, Lesley Anne) and it turns out a few of my or Paul's cousins have Anne in their names as well. The Anne has an E because of Anne of Green Gables - how could I not? This meaning is a bit deeper at least, "Favour or grace. God has favoured me."

This whole second kid thing is both better and easier, but also harder. Thankfully we have had much family around to help. We had my Aunt here the week up until her birth to help me with Avie and to cook for us - and then we had Paul's mom here from my first day of labour until the 26th. She cleaned my closets and cupboards, got up with Avie each morning and cared for her so we could sleep when Bailey slept and eat when Bailey ate. The first day without help was the 26th - we realized with a shock to our system that we would have to be with Bailey in the night AND Avie in the morning. What? Actual, full, parenting? Ok. Thankfully Avie is doing this new thing where she sleeps until 5am or 6am one morning, and 8:30am the next morning. So the early mornings Paul gets up with her (since I'm up with Bailey in the night), and the mornings she sleeps in, we all sleep. So that's good. Lots of love and cuddles and hugs in general, and lots of crying and diaper changes and kid wrangling. 

And lastly, a sneak peak of our newborn / family photo shoot with Paraphrase Photos. I snapped this while Laura worked - she is, as always, a fabulous photographer. She makes us all comfortable and captures beautiful moments.

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